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Young UX/UI Designer providing modern and functional solutions.

I am a Digital Product Designer with 2+ years of real world experience who enjoys creating user friendly, and compelling designs.

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The skills that I possess

UI design

Rich knowledge of visual theory such as typography, visual hiearchy, contrast, spacing and so on.

UX skills

Human centric design with the knowledge of design thinking. Use of research based best practices.

Coding skills

Understanding of front end coding so I can better cooperate with developers (HTML/CSS).

AI tools

Up to date with the rising trend of using ChatGPT for copy and Midjourney for visual assets.

The projects I have worked on

As a designer I have had the opportunity to work for actual clients, gain experience in the field and actually create products that have positive impact on other people.

See my work
Projects Mockup

What else do I have experience with?

I have experience in other corresponding fields such as brand identity design, design for print, project management, marketing on social media and others which help me to be to be more versatile.

Other experience image

Any questions? Contact me!

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